How Shukuu Izakaya Uses “Educational Selling” To Grow Its Business

Sake, the Japanese rice wine, is Luis’s idea of a great drink. Sake is hugely popular in Japan, but not commonly drunk overseas, as people default to more familiar alcohol...

/ January 3, 2018

How To Optimize Your Checkout Counter To Get More Sales

Your checkout counter is probably one of the most valuable piece of real estate in your store. Think about it: What’s the mindset of your customers who are at your...

/ December 27, 2017

The “Menu Test”: How Beriwell Creates New Dishes That Customers Love

Can you stuff yourself silly with ice cream… and still improve your health and boost your immune system? Apparently, you can. Dashanta (Dash for short), the founder of Beriwell, has...

/ December 20, 2017

Hyde & Co: How To Reinvent Your Restaurant To Capture New Audiences And Grow Your Business

Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. First published in 1886, it is a classic novel about a London lawyer who investigates strange occurrences between his friend, Dr Henry Jekyll and the...

/ December 14, 2017

11 Of The Best Restaurant Menu Examples

Your menu is one of the most important parts of your restaurant or cafe. It’s also true for nail salons and massage palours. It has a measurable impact on how...

/ December 13, 2017

How To Use CandyBar To Run A Loyalty Program For Your Business

So, you’re thinking of running a digital loyalty program, because you need a smart and easy way to incentivize your customers to come back often. You discover digital loyalty card...

/ November 29, 2017

New Feature: Customer Verification

In a previous blog post, we showed you how our packages feature gets you more cash flow. Some package items you sell could be pretty expensive though. To be safe, verifying...

/ November 24, 2017

How Relentless Customer Obsession Helped A Poke Theory Grow Its Business

At 24 and 26 respectively, Joey and Vannessa are as young as the waiters and waitresses they employ. Yet, they are already owners of 2 successful restaurants – A Poke...

/ November 22, 2017

Timothy Ong: The Palmary’s Founder Shares The Story Behind The “Most Humbling Phase” In His Life

Tim was the classic “Singaporean ah beng” story. He skipped school, smoked, skated, and had poor grades. At a young age, he was already condemned to be someone who will...

/ November 15, 2017

Thinking Of Printing Loyalty Cards? 3 Reasons Why You Should Reconsider

Are you looking to print loyalty cards? Maybe your customers have been badgering you for a loyalty program. Or maybe you’re just thinking it would be a nice way to...

/ November 10, 2017