Loyalty cards are an excellent way to encourage repeat business. While at the core, a punch card design is very basic and functional, you can get creative with your loyalty card design. A bit of creativity can actually encourage your customers to use it more. If the design stands out to them, they may remember to use it more often.
Your loyalty punch card design should be small enough to fit on a business card. That size will easily fit into a wallet or purse and the customer can have it handy for their next purchase. Most people carry a wallet or purse with them everywhere they go, so having a loyalty card that fits neatly into a wallet is key in customers remembering to use it instead of losing it.
Loyalty cards help you show your appreciation for your customers. That appreciation is often returned with repeat business and word of mouth marketing. As Tommy Lasorda said, “You give loyalty, you’ll get it back. You give love, you’ll get it back.” Show your loyal customers a bit of love with some discounts and they’ll return time and again to buy from you.
1. FourOFive Loyalty Punch Card
FourOFive is a design company that created a great punch card here. No more worrying about losing or forgetting this card due to its digital nature. Check out the simplicity of the deal on this coffee loyalty design. For every nine coffees the customer buys, they get the tenth coffee free. Since coffee is a frequently purchased item, this is a great program to encourage loyalty. Most importantly, it conditions the customers to make Coffee Hut their preferred coffee shop. This card can be customized with your own logo in the upper left-hand corner.

Source: fourofive
2. Cici’s Pizza Loyalty Card
Cici’s has upgraded their loyalty program to digital. Now you can scan your receipt, visit 5 times and spend more than $7 each time. The sixth time, you will earn a free buffet at Cici’s Pizza. Therefore, customers will make sure to choose Cici’s when they want to go out for pizza.
3. Quiznos Sub Punch Card
This Quiznos sub punch card was created as part of a fundraiser. It neatly fits into the wallet allows the customer to purchase a sub and get an extra one for equal or lesser value free. The customer is entitled to seven free subs as long as he purchases seven subs. Most importantly, this will keep the customer coming back to earn the value of the card.
4. Zaxby’s Loyalty Punch Card
Zaxby’s loyalty card makes great use of tantalizing images of their food on the front of their loyalty card design. This punch card design was created for a youth football and cheerleading fundraiser. It allows the consumer to get free food with specific purchases. This deal will have customers coming back to enjoy the free food that they normally wouldn’t purchase.
5. Michelle Monroe Template
The Michelle Monroe lashes and brows loyalty card design template stands out with glitter! Bright colors and unique elements, such as glitter, dazzle the customer. The template is also very clear with the offer. The customer will receive a 20% discount after five visits. All the business owner has to do is punch each time they come in. The customer has the responsibility of keeping track of remembering the card in order to receive the discount.
This template is available at Zazzle. No actual glitter is used for this card. Glitter details are simulated in the artwork. Therefore, your customer won’t end up with a purse full of glitter!
6. Subway Rewards Punch Card
Subway makes use of many punch cards. This simple punch card has the customer earning a free drink after five visits, a free sub after ten visits and after fifteen visits, they will earn a footlong sub. For the regular sub eater, this card will definitely save them money.
7. McDonald’s India Loyalty Punch Card
McDonald’s India Loyalty card is fresh and friendly with an emoji waving at you. You’ll earn a free food item on your second, fifth, eighth and tenth visit. They mix it up and have you earning a different item each time. The design clearly includes the McDonald’s logo. They have also included the terms and conditions below the punch card.
8. Elite Nails Spa Loyalty Card
Elite Nails Spa encourages their customer’s loyalty by collecting stamps to receive free pampering. Their punch card design is very simple and easy to understand. The customer will receive a free polish upgrade on their third visit, a free classic manicure on their fifth visit, and a free half hour foot reflex on the tenth visit.
The drawback to this card is that if the customer loses it, they won’t receive the free pampering that they earned with the former visits.
9. Nando’s Loyalty Punch Card
Nando’s has designed their loyalty cards to be digital. They do require that you visit one time and pick up a loyalty card from the restaurant, but after that, you register your loyalty card on your smartphone. Each time you visit and spend Seven pounds or more, you’ll earn a chilli on the wheel. Three chilies gets you 1/4 of a chicken or an appetizer. Six chillies gets you 1/2 a chicken or a burger. Ten chillies gets you a whole chicken or a combo meal.
One of the great things about having a digital loyalty punch card is that it is rarely lost or forgotten. Most people have their smartphones with them at all times.
10. Coffee loyalty punch card
This is a simple loyalty punch card. The deal is simple, the customer will buy nine coffee’s and the tenth is free. It can be used either at Underground Coffee Company or Ballantyne’s. The instructions for their program are simple and easy to understand. The coffee cups get stamped each time you come in for a cup of coffee.
11. Drury Loyalty Punch Card
Drury is a fun tea shop in London. Their orange punch card will stand out from the other boring business cards in your wallet. They do a great job of explaining their loyalty program on the front and on the back there are nine places to punch off each time the customer earns a tea or coffee. The tenth tea is free!
The downside to this card is simply that it isn’t digital. Therefore, a customer could easily those the punch card after eight visits and then have to start over with their loyalty. It can be frustrating to almost earn a reward only to lose your reward card.

12. Dunkin Donuts Loyalty Card
This is a picture of a well used Dunkin Donuts loyalty card, which actually means that it is effective at getting the customer back in for repeat business. As you can clearly see, the customer receives a tenth free coffee. An image of the reward is posted up in the upper right hand corner, so the customer knows what they are working towards. The punches are at the bottom. Once all of the numbers have been punched out, the customer can receive their free coffee!
The best loyalty designs are simple in nature. They feature the reward and have clear rules and conditions to follow to earn the reward. For a loyalty card program to inspire repeat business, the card and the benefits must be memorable. Make sure that you are offering a reward entices your customer base with something they wants and need on a regular basis. Don’t try to create a rewards program with the gadget that didn’t sell. It should be something that everyone comes in for on a regularly, but that won’t break the bank in the process. Free drinks, free food, or a free haircut and shampoo. These things are consumable that customers repeatedly buy.
Digital Loyalty Card Design Advantage
The loyalty punch card should be convenient. A business card sized design is perfect because it will fit into a wallet, but even better is a loyalty program that is digital and always on your phone. Most importantly, you won’t lose the punch card or forget it in another purse if it is on your phone. Another great feature of some digital loyalty programs, such as the one CandyBar offers, is that you can automate your loyalty program so your customer receives a text when they earn a reward. This little reminder can increase the chances of them stopping in to your store or business.
The CandyBar loyalty program app also enables you to communicate with the customer and get feedback on your customer service. Feedback from customers is very beneficial. It can help you to quickly make improvements in areas you may not have known were a problem. Customers have the ability to reply to questions on how their service and experience was via text.
Digital programs have the advantage of being set up within minutes. You won’t have to wait for your designer to come up with a great loyalty card design. There is no down time waiting for the cards to be printed and shipped to you either. Once you set your program up online, you’re ready to start signing your customers up for the loyalty program!
Another great reason to chose a digital loyalty card is because you can keep track of your customers. You will get analytics on your loyalty program. Most importantly, his enables you to track and improve your program’s success. With physical cards, collecting this information can be a bit more difficult and cumbersome. Therefore, you will have to do all of it manually and calculate the data yourself, which leaves room for error. A digital program will track it instantaneously and you can frequently monitor how your program is doing.
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