Category: Loyalty

Everything To Know About Loyalty Punch Cards (With 16 Examples!)
People love free stuff. The theory is solid. The bandwagon is rolling. And your interest is warranted. Free gifts, irresistible rewards, they build customer loyalty, customer retention, business awareness, and...

Customer Loyalty Cards: What Are They and Why Do They Work
Customer loyalty cards. You know, those coffee-stained, frayed edge, hole-punch cards people use to score a free double-shot latte. That’s them. There’s a reason why every coffee shop, cafe, and...

How to Create a Customer Loyalty Program That Works
What if you could grow your business without increasing your spending? In fact, what if you could actually reduce your spending but increase your sales, year after year? Would you...

The Only Comprehensive Guide To Loyalty Rewards Programs
Many people think getting new customers is the only way to grow a business. While it’s true that new customers are good for your business, it’s certainly not the...

How To Show Your Customers You Are Customer-Centred
How can you show that you’re a customer-centric business, rather than just paying lip service? Two research reports — “State of Service” and “State of the Connected Customer” — explain what...

The Best Loyalty Punch Card Designs
Loyalty cards are an excellent way to encourage repeat business. While at the core, a punch card design is very basic and functional, you can get creative with your loyalty...

How To Use The Customer Lifecycle In Your Marketing Plan (w/ Examples!)
You’ve spent countless hours setting up your business, from the very product that you sell to the site that you sell it on. Now it’s time to come up with...