Everything To Know About Loyalty Punch Cards (With 16 Examples!)
People love free stuff. The theory is solid. The bandwagon is rolling. And your interest is warranted. Free gifts, irresistible rewards, they build customer loyalty, customer retention, business awareness, and...

Welcome to the CandyBar blog!
CandyBar is a customer engagement solution for brick-and-mortar retail stores, by the team at ReferralCandy. (Check out the latest features we’ve been coming up with to help you delight your customers!)...

3 Things To Consider When Hiring Employees
Hiring employees is an art. Every company in the world, including the best, are looking for ways to solve the staffing and recruitment problem. For small businesses, hiring employees can...

Why You Should Run A Digital Loyalty Program [Infographic]
Should you run a digital loyalty program? Yes. And we’ll prove it to you; by the end of this article and infographic, you will learn about what digital loyalty marketing is,...

Entrepreneurial Vision – How To Articulate Yours Effectively To Win Over Employees And Customers
Recently, we interviewed dozens of entrepreneurs to put together The Struggle Is Real – a document articulating the unique challenges, struggles and perspectives that business owners have. Several readers have...

Chipotle’s Loyalty Program – What Went Wrong? Lessons and Learnings
What do we know about Chipotle’s loyalty program? Let’s dive in. Chipotle used to have a loyalty program called Chiptopia, and it was launched in July 2016. The promotion lasted for...

11 Beautiful Chalkboard Menu Examples From Cafes, Restaurants and More
While we live in an era of digital art, there’s something still very charming and rustic about handlettered chalkboard signs. Looking for some inspiration for your own chalkboard menu or...

11 Examples of Social Enterprises In Singapore
We were talking to several of our merchants, and we learned that lots of them are very interested and involved in having some sort of social mission. I decided to...

New Feature: CandyBot – a Facebook Chatbot For Your Customers
It’s time for a new feature! We’re always looking for ways to improve the relationship CandyBar merchants have with their customers. Up until now, traditional text messages have been the...